Sunday, August 9, 2015

Plastic Kodiak - Reality or Hoax?

Is it real or a hoax?

Grolars have been spotted by numerous individuals in the wild.  Photographic documentation, while rare, is widespread enough to convince most mainstream researchers of its existence.

Conversely, the Kodiak has been spotted only a handful of times.  Eyewitnesses claim to have seen the infamous olive-drab warjack at various conventions, however photographic documentation is sparse.  Most recently, with an attendance of over 60,000, Gencon came and went without a sighting.  The most well-known Kodiak picture is likely the N-o-N-o Photograph.

Presumably taken by forum user N-o-N-o in June of 2015, the blurred photograph is the clearest evidence for the existence of a plastic Kodiak.  Experts have stated that if the warjack in question is a conversion, it is based on an existing Ruin chassis.  However, close analysis of the N-o-N-o Photograph, the left vs. right legs indicate that the Kodiak has an inverse stance.

This is consistent with images of the Grolar, pointing toward the possibility of a dual-kit, digitally sculpted and originally released (with significant add-ons) as Ruin.

Privateer Press has routinely neglected to comment on the possible release date, leading to rumors of conspiracy and cover-up among the Khador community.  Perhaps most damning of all, however, is the presence of Cygnar's Reliant/Stormclad dual kit in the release schedule.  Due in a mere few days, the blue and golden automaton was previously interpreted to be confirmation of the near-release of a Khador equivalent.

The debate rages on, primarily in the Khador community forum, between skeptics and believers.  Is the plastic Kodiak simply a myth?  Which camp do you fall into?

(Now with forum friendly signature-sizing and bonus Grolar edition!)
(and now with 20% more Rager versions)


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